Friday 5 June 2015

Update:2nd Best

Hello again... sorry I haven't been posting, I've been busy doing school work and sorting out stuff with my friends but I decided to get back into blogging again as I remembered that it was fun and also a fellow blogger has made me think about carrying on. (Her blog link is make sure to read her blog after this). So I couldn't think of anything to write so I thought I might do an update of m last post.
So basically, If you haven't read my last post, it was about my best friend not talking to me and sort of avoiding me and I didn't know why. Well everything is sort of back to normal. What happened was she felt a bit trapped with them as she couldn't leave the other girls for no reason and she felt all of her old friends didn't like her. However, the girl who sort of took my friend, started making up loads of unrue things and told my friend so my friend wouldn't like us. But it all backfired as we all found out and stuck up for ourselves. Then everything went back to normal..ish.
That's it for today, I hope you liked that little blog but I should be posting more.
So have a sparkly day
Lilly x A.K.A Sprinkle and Sparkle x
P.s remember to check out charlolalou's blog x

Saturday 28 February 2015

2nd Best

Hello everyone, Today I am talking about being 2nd best. Now I HATE being 2nd best and it happens a lot with my friends and people I thought I could trust. I'm usually 2nd best to this girl (who shall remain nameless) whenever she falls out with her friends she would always come over to me and my friends. Whenever she does this I'm always nice to her even though none of my friends like her because of what she does. The 1st time she did this, I trusted her with my phone but instead she decided to read all of my private stuff, when I invited her round to go shopping for Christmas presents she made me buy her one even though I didn't want to. But, she kept falling out with her friends and she kept coming to me and my friends but the last time she did this she became really good friends with one of my best friends.

Now because she  became really good friends with my best friend of 9 years, my best friend started to fade away.

A few days ago, my friend left all of me and my other friends and started to become best friends with the other girls group of friends  (they made up now) but me and my friends couldn't understand why!

She ignored all of us and started accusing us of saying stuff about her. We thought that the other girl was putting stuff in her head so that she didn't like us.

Yesterday 27/2/15 was my great nans memorial (4 years yesterday) and when I rang the girl up saying what she said about my best friend wasn't true but when I said this, "I'm going now, as i'm remembering my nan" she said, "Well I'm eating Malteasers" this upset me so much as I felt as if she had no respect about it and she knows how upset I get about my nan.

That's basically it, sorry if I sound really dramatic but girls at my school are. Hope you have a fabulous day

Sprinkle and Sparkle xx

Thursday 26 February 2015


Hello everybody! Welcome to Sprinkle And Sparkle Blog. I've decided to start a blog as I prefer to type rather then explaining infront of a camera. My blog is about... pretty much everything. E.g. everyday life, food, YOUTUBERS etc.

A little bit about myself,
I love youtubers especially Zoella and Pointlessblog (Zalfie for life)
I love baking
I love smoothies
I live in the UK
and I love to dance.

That's it for today!

Sprinkle and Sparkle x